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330 rue des jardiniers 26290 Les Granges Gontardes /

studio de yoga les granges gontardes les jardiniers du bien etre
cours particuliers seul ou a 2 Yoga

Schedules :


(from August 26, 2024 to August 1, 2025)
group lessons, maximum 10 people.


Monday  9h15 à 10h15 : Yin

                    10h30 à 11h30 : Chair Yoga

          18h à 19h : Vinyasa

         19h15 à 20h15 : Vinyasa


Tuesday 9h15 à 10h15 : Hatha

          18h à 19h : Hatha

          19h15 à 20h15 : Hatha


Wednesday 9h15 à 10h15 : Hatha

15h à 16h : Yoga Parents-Enfants

          18h à 19h : Yin

          19h15 à 20h15 : Yin


Tuesday 9h15 à 10h15 : Vinyasa

          10h30 à 11h30 : Yoga Prénatal***

12h20 à 13h20 : Hatha

         18h à 19h : Yin

          19h15 à 20h15 : Vinyasa



9h15 à 10h15 : Vinyasa

10h30 à 11h30 : Yoga Postnatal***

   18h à 19h : Yoga Danse

19h15 à 20h15 : Yoga du Son & Relaxation Sonore,



Prices :

The studio is open all year round, 48 weeks per year out of 52*,

from the end of August to the beginning of August of the following year.

(generally closed the first two weeks of February and the first 2 weeks of August) Open every public holiday, weekends and during school holidays. ​

Beginners accepted throughout the year.
Adapted price, if arrival during the year!
Payments in several installments possible.
For group lessons (maximum 10 people):
Trial lesson: 10 euros (free if you take out an annual subscription).
Single course, without commitment: 15 euros.
Special rate: - 18 years or over 65 years: 10 euros.
10-course card: 120 euros (valid for 6 months),
or 100 euros for -18 years or over 65 years (valid for 6 months).
Parent-Child Yoga Price: 15 euros (10 euros parent and 5 euros child)

​Annual subscription 1 lesson per week, over 11 months : 400 euros
(for 48 lessons, or approximately 8.30 euros, per lesson).

Annual subscription 2 lessons per week, over 11 months : 600 euros
(for 96 lessons, or approximately 6.25 euros, per lesson).
Payments in several installments possible.

​For private lessons (1 or 2 people):
50 euros at the studio / 60 at home.

​Please arrive 10 minutes before the class time,
Maximum 10 people per class.

​Other prices for external speakers:

***Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Prices:
excluding wellness gardener subscriptions.
Reservations for this course directly via doctolib :
with Anne Gaelle Hersaint for Prenatal and Postnatal.

anne gaelle sage femme yoga prenatal drome

All our services can be received at your home,

guest room.

Allow an additional 10 euros, within a 20 km radius, for travel.

Well-being afternoon alone or in pairs or with friends:

Contact us

materiel fourni yoga

Materials provided to each course free of charge: 6mm non-toxic mats, Straps, Zafus, Bolsters, Blankets, Eye masks, Head cushions, Knee protections, Non-toxic cork bricks, Back sandbags and many others to accompany you in the practical. The carpets are disinfected using a spray, at each end of practice by you. All equipment is also cleaned and steamed, at the end of the week by the Gardeners of Well-being. Regularly the cushion covers and blankets are also washed in the washing machine. The studio is air-conditioned during the summer :-)

studio yoga les granges gontardes drome provencale les jardiniersdubienetre kinesiologie massage
vue studio baie vitree les jardiniers du bien etre
massage myofascial fascia yoga
hatha yoga les jardiniers du bien etre drome provencale
yoga sur chaise et yoga restauratif les jardiniers du bien etre
yoga du son les jardiniers du bien etre drome
Cours de yoga parents enfants les jardiniers du bien-être

Vinyasa is a Dynamic, linked, fluid Yoga, combining strength
and flexibility, numerous sheathings, anatomical alignments.

Close to Pilates, Myofascial Massage with Rollers, Brain Gym.
Yoga Dance is a fusion between Yoga Vinyasa and Dance movement, it is Hybrid,
it can be very slow, moderate or very dynamic and suitable for all audiences.
Hatha is a classic, colorful, moderate Yoga for all audiences.
Kurma is an ancestral Yoga, respectful of the body and joints, very good for the back,
it is integrated into the different Yoga and mainly into Hatha.
Yin is a Yoga that works on the Fascias, gentle to deep stretching, connective tissues and meridians, it follows the energetic seasons of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
As well as the wisdom of the TAO, leading to Letting Go and slowing down.
Only 7 to 8 postures held for several minutes.
Restorative is an even calmer and gentler Yoga than Yin,
We use even more materials to relax, ideal in times of fatigue, burnout, overwork.
Chair Yoga is practiced seated, or standing and using a chair,
it is very gentle and suitable for everyone, but also for fragile people or people undergoing rehabilitation.
We also practice Brain GYM, to improve cognitive and physical abilities, at all times, at all stages of life.

Nidra is much more than relaxation, a journey within oneself, close to hypnosis,
going through different states of consciousness, during a session,
it is integrated into the different classes, if necessary, particularly in Yin & Restorative Yoga.
Sound Yoga is practiced sitting, standing or lying down, it is an alternative to "classic Yoga",
since the voice takes up all the space, but also the silences, the Breathing, the Singing of Vowels, the Mantras, the Meditation, the Relaxations or Sound Journeys, immerse yourself in a new universe :-)
Parents & Children Yoga, from 4 years to 12 years,
Yoga in the form of games and complicity between you and your child,
Brain Gym or Brain Gym, which improves concentration, coordination, and self-confidence for young and old alike. For more information contact me !


+Laughter Yoga, Eye Yoga, Face Yoga, Back Yoga, Yoga Massage,
Meditation, Relaxation & Pranayama
(breathing exercises specific to YOGA)
are integrated into the different practices and into the Workshops,
visit the Workshops Wellness Days & Events page.
and/or on request in private lessons
or by individual appointment.

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avis yoga drome les jardiniers du bien etre
avis yoga drome les jardiniers du bien etre
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#yogadrome #yogalesgrangesgontardes #yogalagardeadhemar #yogabollene #yogamontelimar #yogapierrelatte #yogasaintpaultroischateaux #yogasaintpaul3chateaux #yogastpaul3chateaux #yogastpaultroischateaux #yogabourgsaintandeol #yogamalataverne #yogaallan #yogaroussas #yogavallaurie ~yogagrignan #yogadonzere #yogayindrome #yogarestauratifdrome #yogavinyasadrome #yogahathadrome #yogadansedrome #yogadusondrome #yogaduriredrome #yogadudosdrome #yogamassagedrome #yogameditationdrome #meditationdrome #coursdeyogadrome #coursdeyogapierrelatte #coursdeyogasaintpaultroischateaux #coursdeyogadonzere #coursdeyogalagardeadhemar #coursdeyogabollene #coursdeyogamontelimar #yogadesyeuxdrome #yogachinoisdrome #yogasurchaisedrome #yogasurchaisepierrelatte #yogasurchaisesaintpaultroischateaux #yogasurchaiselesgrangesgontardes yogasurchaisedonzere #yogaprenataldrome #yogapostnataldrome #yogaprenatalpierrelatte #yogaprenataldonzere #yogaprenatalsaintpaultroischateaux #yogapostnataldonzere #yogapostnatalpierrelatte #yogapostnatalsaintpaultroischateaux yoganidradrome #yogakurmadrome #yoganidrafrance #yoganidrapierrelatte #yoganidramontelimar #yoganidradonzere #yoganidrapierrelatte #yoganidrasaintpaultroischateaux #yogaparentenfantdrome #yogaparentenfantpierrelatte #yogaparentenfantdonzere #yogaparentenfantsaintpaultroischateaux #yogaparentenfantmontelimar #yogaparentenfantbollene

The different services we offer

are only complements and accompaniments.

In no case can they replace allopathic medicine.

Under no circumstances should you stop your treatments without medical advice.

For individual appointments :

Monday to Saturday, by appointment only.

For group lessons : we only receive by reservation,

Monday to Friday (see class schedules).

For workshops : we receive upon reservation,

certain Saturdays and/or Sundays (see workshop times and dates).

#yoga #coursdeyoga #yogalesgrangesgontardes #centredebienetre #yogadrome #yogamontelimar #yogadonzere #yogaallan #coursdeyogaallan #yogalagardeadhemar #yogagrignan #coursdeyogagrignan #yogareauville #coursdeyogareauville #coursdeyogapierrelatte #yogabourgsaintandeol #yogabollene #coursdeyogabollene #coursdeyogasaintpaultroischateaux    #yogamalataverne #coursdeyogamalataverne #coursdeyoga #coursparticuliers #studiodeyoga #bienetre    #yogaduson  #meditationdrome #yin #yinyoga #vinyasa  #hatha #restorative #restauratif #yogadanse  #yogapourenfant #yogafemmeenceinte  #yogapourledos #yogasurchaise #yogaseniors #yogasenior

les Jardiniers du bien-être

les jardiniers du bien etre

330 rue des jardiniers 26290

Les Granges Gontardes*


* We are approximately 5 minutes from Donzère, 8 minutes from Pierrelatte, 10 minutes from Saint Paul Trois Chateaux and Allan,

12 minutes from Bourg Saint Andéol, 15 minutes from Grignan, Montélimar, Bollène and 20 minutes from Pont Saint Esprit (07/26/84/30).

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