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Kinesiology & Energetics

330 rue des jardiniers 26290 Les Granges Gontardes /

etymologically “the science of movement”
is a psycho-corporal re balancing technique.
It focuses on the overall well-being of the person, taking into account
physical, emotional and mental aspects.
Its main characteristic is the use of muscle testing
to know how the person functions,
detect and remove your imbalances, to awaken your potential.
It brings together three main techniques :

​Touch For Health®,
Based on the principles of Chinese medicine, TFH highlights the connection between the muscles of our body and the 14 energy meridians.

the Three In One Concepts®,
serves to identify and dissolve energetic, physical and emotional blockages in order to free the mind from conditioned belief systems that limit perceptions and behavior.
This very rich method allows in-depth work on the emotions that limit us, a release of blockages resulting from past conditioning, helps to develop self-esteem and motivation to regain the power to make the right choices and achieve one's objectives in the life.

the Brain Gym®.
are crossed movements to use the bridge between the 2 hemispheres, improve concentration, develop one's potential, one's skills, promote well-being and self-esteem. To be made known to all children, but also for adults and older people in order to maintain their cognitive and physical abilities throughout their lives.

​As well as depending on needs:
chakras, meridians, Vital energy, emotions, mental, EMDR, EFT,
Hypnosis, Nidra, different energetic and spiritual approaches,
Magnetism, Instruments such as Tibetan bowls, sounds, tuning forks, colors.

1 hour / 60 euros.

croix logo les jardiniers du bien etre kinesiologie
kinesiologie accompagnement energetique magnetisme
kinesiologie les jardiniers du bien etre

How does a session go ?

We start by defining the reason for your visit and get to know each other.

Then the session begins, via numerous tests, the body defines the priority

and what protocols we will use to rebalance you.

kinesiologie drome les granges gontardes 26 les jardiniers du bien etre

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avis sarah kinesio kinesiologie drome provencale les granges gontardes les jardiniers du bien etre

Astro Karma


Passionate, since my adolescence, by Astrology, Numerology and the world of Esotericism,

I now offer a mix between my different knowledge.
What does it consist of 👌
I start by looking at your birth chart, I compare it and enrich it with Chinese Astrology,

Native American Astrology and Vedic (Indian) Astrology😉
I look at your Numerology (life path and personal year) to find out where you are.
I also draw you 3 oracle cards,
1 Karmic, 1 Shamanic and 1 Angelic.
I also establish the list of your relationships and accounts with the other signs.
Astro Karma therefore allows you to know yourself better and take stock at the moment.

Know your challenges and your personal evolution in this life.

AstroKarma is not a Clairvoyance or Mediumship consultation,

Even if Feelings and Intuitions are still there, but with humility ❤️

Remotely or directly, I of course need your birth details, (dd/mm/yy) and place of birth....🙏🏼
Price: 60 euros
(for 2 hours of preparation in advance and 1 hour live or on the phone).
Information Alex 07 77 33 01 14

The various services that we offer are only complements and support.

In no case can they replace allopathic medicine.

Under no circumstances should you stop your treatments without medical advice.

For individual appointments :

Monday to Saturday, by appointment only.

For group lessons : we only receive by reservation,

Monday to Friday (see class schedules).

For workshops : we receive upon reservation,

certain Saturdays and/or Sundays (see workshop times and dates).

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