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Returning training in 2026

330 rue des jardiniers 26290 Les Granges Gontardes /

      Yoga Teacher Training 200 or 300 or 500 hours:
Hatha & Vinyasa.
Yoga Alliance International certified.
3100 or 4600 or 7500 euros.


Masterclass* 50 hours:
Yin, Restorative, Kurma, Nidra, Chair Yoga, Yoga for children.
Yoga Alliance International certified.
50 hours each / 800 euros each.
*reserved for Yoga teachers with
at least 200 hours,
with us or from outside.

Sound therapy 100 hours: 1500 euros.

or Yoga of Sound, 50 hours: 750 euros.
or Sound Relaxation: 25 hours: 375 euros.
or Sound Massage: 25 hours: 375 euros.

Ayurvedic massages 100 hours: 1500 euros.

or Abhyanga 50 hours: 750 euros.
or supplements:
Belly Mandala, Bol Kansu,
Facial Yoga, Leg Acupressure, Shirodhara.

10 hours each: 150 euros.

formation yoga professeur 200 heuresyoga 200 h 2022
formation sonotherapie 100 heures
formation massage ayurvedique abhyanga

  #formation #formationenyogadrome  #certificationyogaallianceinternational #certificationyogaalliance #yogaduson  #meditationdrome #yin #yinyoga #vinyasa  #hatha #restorative #restauratif #yogadanse #danses  #chacra #chakra  #atelieryoga #meditation  #diplomeprofesseuryoga #masteryoga #masterclass #formationreconnueyoga #formationyogareconnue #instruments  #sonore #vibratoire #bol #bols #tibetains #gongs #bainsonore  #diapasons #relaxation   #postures #yogapostural #nidra #kurma  #yogaparentsenfants  #yogaenfants #yogadesyeux #yogaduvisage #massagedespieds #bolkansu #kansu #abhyanga #kansa #massage #massagesonore #kinesiologie #energétique  #energievitale  #enfant #enfants #yogapourenfant #yogafemmeenceinte #enceinte #enceintes  #reeducation #yogapourledos #yogasurchaise #yogaseniors #yogasenior #formationyogadrome #formationcertifianteyoga #formationprofessionelleyoga

The Gardeners of Well-being

Since 2019, it is also a training school, Yoga Alliance International

and registered with the Dreets (Regional Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity).

Our training courses can no longer be funded.

Indeed after having been Qualiopi, for a time,

we did not want to repeat the experience...

However several payments are possible :-)

Training on request, on file,

and by prior appointment.

yoga alliance international les jardiniers du bien etre ecole
avis audrey massages ayurvediques abhyanga les jardiniers du bien etre drome
formation avis agnes yoga du son relaxation voyage sonore vibratoire les jardiniers du bien etre
avis melissa formation yoga 200 heures les jardiniers du bien etre drome
avis formation elodie sonotherapie yoga du son massage sonore relaxation voyage vibratoire drome
avis formation massage abhyanga ayurvedique drome
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