Yoga Les Jardiniers du bien-être
330 rue des jardiniers 26290 Les Granges Gontardes /
Welcome to the world of Wellness Gardeners
"A peaceful setting surrounded by the forest,
a welcome, a 50m2 Yoga studio, a wellness room,
a locker room and toilets".
Schedules :
(from August 26, 2024 to August 1, 2025)
group lessons, maximum 10 people.
Monday 9h15 à 10h15 : Yin
10h30 à 11h30 : Chair Yoga
18h à 19h : Vinyasa
19h15 à 20h15 : Vinyasa
Tuesday 9h15 à 10h15 : Hatha
18h à 19h : Hatha
19h15 à 20h15 : Hatha
Wednesday 9h15 à 10h15 : Hatha
15h à 16h : Yoga Parents-Enfants
18h à 19h : Yin
19h15 à 20h15 : Yin
Tuesday 9h15 à 10h15 : Vinyasa
10h30 à 11h30 : Yoga Prénatal***
12h20 à 13h20 : Hatha
18h à 19h : Yin
19h15 à 20h15 : Vinyasa
9h15 à 10h15 : Vinyasa
10h30 à 11h30 : Yoga Postnatal***
18h à 19h : Yoga Danse
19h15 à 20h15 : Yoga du Son & Relaxation Sonore,
A complete sensory experience at the Gardeners of Well-Being
If Yoga helps us develop our 6th sense (intuition) he takes care of the first 5 first.....
At the Gardeners of Well-being, Come and enjoy a complete sensory experience whether in individual sessions or in groups and workshops... Sound therapy & Relaxation-Sound Journey in Yoga, Massages or kinesiology.
A delicious infusion offered at each session Ambient perfumes, incense, palo santo or sage, essential oils, in the air.
Lights and decor, colors, projections for your eyes.
Ecological and non-toxic Yoga mats, quality material, very soft and warm blankets, small cushions for your eyes, with protection, for relaxation. All the practices, workshops, massages and sessions accompanied by a playlist that changes every week, and with each class,
to immerse you in a conducive sound universe.
Finally, special attention paid to each and every person, thanks to a limited number of places.
Our role is to accompany you, carry you and transport you, making you experience a privileged and unique moment every week.
"At the Gardeners of Well-being, we celebrate ancestral and centuries-old wisdom Yoga & Ayurveda, of Traditional Chinese and Native American Medicine. We love sharing them with everyone, young and old. We offer different styles of Yoga, from the calmest to the most dynamic, Participants of all levels are welcome throughout the year, we know that each individual has their own path to follow. We also offer a wide range of services, ranging from Sound Therapy (individually or in groups in the form of Workshops), Massages, Energetics, Kinesiology. Discover our courses, our services and our professional instructors and practitioners and take the time to choose what suits you best. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information, book a course, make an appointment near Alexandre at see you soon :-)
We have been teaching for 10 years. Christophe is a “Master Yoga Teacher” with more than 500 hours of yoga training, (Vinyasa,Hatha,Nidra,Kurma,Yin, Restorative, Yoga of Sound, Meditation). He is also trained in Ayurvedic Massages, the Sound Travel Massage and the Native American Ritual Travel Massage. Christophe is also a Sonotherapist and Kinesiologist. Alexandre is a “Senior Experienced Yoga Teacher” with more than 1000 hours of training. (Hatha, Vinyasa, Kurma, Nidra, Yin, Restorative, Yoga Dance, Sound Yoga, Yoga Massage, Laughter Yoga, Eye Yoga, Children's Yoga, Chair Yoga, Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga, Meditation, Facial Yoga). He is also trained in Ayurvedic Massages, Sound Travel Massage and Native American Ritual Travel Massage. Alexandre is also a Sonotherapist and Kinesiologist. Les Jardiniers du bien-être is also a certified school "Yoga Alliance International" for Yoga and authorized to give Yoga Teacher Training courses ranging from 200 hours to 500 hours, as well as 50-hour Masterclasses, for Yoga teachers wishing to specialize in: Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Kurma Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Chair Yoga, Yoga for Children. A school recognized by the “Regional Directorate of the Economy, Employment, Work and Solidarity” (DREETS), for all training. But we are no longer Qualiopi, by choice, however our training remains payable in several installments. All our diplomas can be consulted directly at Jardiniers du bien-être.
The various services that we offer are only complements and support. In no case can they replace allopathic medicine. Under no circumstances should you stop your treatments without medical advice.
#yoga #coursdeyoga #yogalesgrangesgontardes #centredebienetre #yogadrome #yogamontelimar #yogadonzere #yogaallan #coursdeyogaallan #yogalagardeadhemar #yogagrignan #coursdeyogagrignan #yogareauville #coursdeyogareauville #coursdeyogapierrelatte #yogabourgsaintandeol #yogabollene #coursdeyogabollene #yogasaintpaultroischateaux #coursdeyogasaintpaultroischateaux #coursdeyogapontsaintesprit #yogamalataverne #coursdeyogamalataverne #yoga #remiseenforme #coaching #coachingpersonnel #coach #coursengroupe #coursdeyoga #coursparticuliers #studiodeyoga #bienetre #yogaduson #meditationdrome #yin #yinyoga #vinyasa #hatha #restorative #restauratif #yogadanse #danses #chacra #chakra #atelieryoga #meditation #diplomeprofesseuryoga #masteryoga #masterclass #formationyogareconnue #instruments #sonore #vibratoire #bol #bols #tibetains #gongs #bainsonore #diapasons #sedetendre #serelaxer #relax #boncadeau #detente #relaxation #postures #yogapostural #nidra #kurma #yogaparentsenfants #yogaenfants #yogadesyeux #yogaduvisage #massagedespieds #bolkansu #kansu #abhyanga #kansa #massage #massagesonore #kinesiologie #energétique #energievitale #enfant #enfants #yogapourenfant #yogafemmeenceinte #enceinte #enceintes #reeducation #yogapourledos #yogasurchaise #yogaseniors #yogasenior #sonotherapie #massagesonore #sonotherapiedrome #massagesonoredrome #studioforme #studio #forme #remiseenforme #axe #libre #axelibre #pause #pose #poseetpostures #posture #posturedeyoga #studioyoga #studioyogadrome #studioyogapierrelatte #studioyogasaintpaultroischateaux #syma #studiosyma